Spain and Portugal Santiago de Compostela, a UNESCO World Heritage site, a capital of Galicia community
and a world known end point of the Camino de Santiago (the Way of St. James) is also
a home to one of the oldest European universities – and that’s where we are taking
you! While at the University of Santiago de Compostela, you will study with students
from all over the world, watch thousands of people complete their pilgrimage trips
in Santiago, participate in the Feast of Saint James, walk the Camino (just for a
few hours!), travel to local attractions and natural sites. Enjoy the Spanish way
of life, vibrant summer street fairs and medieval markets, concerts, and much, much
more. Program includes 2-day trip to Porto and northern Portugal.
ENG170- Introduction to Journalism Blogging about food and travel offers students an opportunity to write about and photograph
their travel and exploration of a variety of interesting, new locations, and to experience
new foods in an unfamiliar cultural setting. This course emphasizes various kinds
of journalistic writing and photography in relationship to on-line media. Students
write cultural articles in the program’s blog.
SPN175*- Spanish Cultural Studies I Overview of Modern Spain's society and cultural practices through the study of its
history, social and political complexities, traditions and art forms. Given in English
as part of the Study Abroad program in Spain. Students write cultural articles in
the program’s blog.
SPN176* - Spanish Cultural Studies II Examines contemporary Spain through its cinematic history. Designed to introduce students
the diverse culture of Spain, its history, its social and political complexities,
and its cultural practices and how these are reflected in the country’s artistic and
cinematic production. Students write cultural articles in the program’s blog.
Note:* Fulfills SUNY General Education Requirement for either Other World Civilizations
OR Humanities
Cost The cost of the program fee is approximately $3,050 for double room occupancy and
$3,150 for single room occupancy, covering lodging, breakfast and lunch on weekdays,
medical insurance, tickets to museums and programmed activities and excursions. Please
note: if your check is returned for any reason, you will be charged an additional
$35 fee.
Program fee DOES NOT include tuition and airfare.
Payment Schedule for this program is as follows:
March 2nd - $1,000.00 April 1st - $1,000.00 May 1st - remaining balance
NOTE: final cost of the program and payment schedule may change based on outside factors
beyond our control (Euro/dollar exchange rates fluctuations). If the price changes
occur, they will be reflected in the last installment of the payment (May 1st).
Refund Policy: Prior to April 1st- 100% refund
April 1st-April 15th - 50% refund
After April 15th - 0% refund
Certain fees are nonrefundable at anytime, these fees include: application fee($250), returned check fee ($35), and airfare.
Program Dates Program cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic.