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When to Apply

The federal financial aid application (FAFSA) is generally available on October 1st each year. Students enrolling for the 2024-25 award year may complete the FAFSA beginning early December 2023 and will use 2022 income information on the application. Students enrolling for the 2025-26 award year will be able to complete the FAFSA October 1, 2024 and will use 2023 income information on the application.  New York State residents may apply for most forms of New York State aid website beginning October 1st.

The Senator Jose Peralta New York State DREAM Act allows some undocumented students, commonly called "Dreamers", access to NYS aid programs such as the Excelsior Scholarship and the Tuition Assistance Program (TAP).  Students in this category do no need to complete a FAFSA form.  Instead, they apply directly via the HESC website.

To meet our priority deadline and to be considered for maximum financial aid, students should complete the filing process by April 15th for students enrolling in the Fall term and November 1st for the new Spring students. Financial aid is not automatically renewed, and must be applied for each academic year. In order to continue to receive federal and state financial aid, students must be in good academic standing and maintain satisfactory academic progress. The satisfactory progress standards for financial aid recipients are on the website under the “Eligibility Requirements” menu.

Potential students may apply for financial aid prior to admission, although financial aid awards are only offered to admitted students.

The federal government requires that the FAFSA application be processed by your last day of enrollment.

Federal Grants (PELL, SEOG) and Loans

  1. After filing the FAFSA, you will receive a Student Aid Report (SAR) from the government via email. The SAR will be mailed to you in the event you do not have a valid email address (i.e., in one week for electronic filing; four to six weeks for paper filing).
  2. If your SAR is incorrect or additional information is needed, go to to make corrections. Once you log in, you can select "Make FAFSA Corrections."
  3. If selected by the Department of Education for verification you must submit appropriate income tax transcripts from the IRS and download the appropriate Verification Worksheet. You may be required to verify such items as income, family size, high school graduation or equivalent, and identity.
  4. Access your financial aid on the student portal at Students offered federal work-study or a federal Direct Student loan must accept or decline on the student portal, Select "MySCCC" and then choose Financial Aid. There you will find your financial aid status. Select "Accept Award Offer."
  5. If your award offer does not include a student loan and you wish to borrow funds for your education, complete the Student Loan Request and Adjustment Form and submit to your campus financial aid office.
  6. First time borrowers must complete an entrance interview at
  7. If you were awarded a loan you must sign an electronic Master Promissory Note (e-MPN) at
  8. You must sign the e-MPN before the Department of Education can release your funds. You will need to sign the e-MPN using your Federal Student Aid (FSA) ID and password.
  9. The Department of Education will send you a loan disclosure notice which will include your loan approval and/or denial, the amount of your loans(s), and the type of loan borrowed.
  10. Loans will not be deducted from your tuition bill until the above steps are taken. It is recommended that you complete these steps before June 30th for the fall semester and December 10th for the spring semester.
  11. Financial aid may be reduced or cancelled if a student drops or withdraws from any course(s).

State Grants (TAP)

The New York State TAP program is for students enrolled at least half time (6+ credits per semester).

  1. After filing the FAFSA, visit to complete the TAP application.  The Suffolk County Community College school code is 2157.
  2. You will be able to check your TAP status on the HESC website.
  3. Your TAP funds will be disbursed to your college tuition account upon determination of eligibility.

State Grants (Excelsior Scholarship)

The New York State Excelsior Scholarship is for full time students (12+ college level credits per semester).  An exception is made for students with qualified disabilities under the Americans with Disabilities who attend less than full time and are registered with the College Disability Services office.

  1. Complete the FAFSA application as described above.
  2. Complete the NYS Higher Education TAP Application as described above.
  3. Complete the NYS Excelsior Application with Higher Education Services Corporation (HESC).  Refer to the 'How to Apply' section of HESC's Excelsior Scholarship page for additional information.
  4. When you apply, you will need to upload a .pdf copy of your Student Aid Report (SAR) and your unofficial transcript to the HESC website.  If you do not have a copy of your SAR, you can obtain one from  Your unofficial transcript can be obtained by logging into MySCCC and selecting Unofficial Transcript in the Self-Service Banner menu.
  5. Your Excelsior funds will be disbursed to your college tuition account upon receipt.

State Grants (APTS)

The APTS program is available to part time students (3-11 credits), which must include at least one 3-credit college-level course.

  1. After filing the FAFSA, download the Aid for Part-Time Study (APTS) application or obtain an application at your campus Financial Aid Office.
  2. Complete the APTS application and submit it to your campus Financial Aid Office along with a signed copy of your NY State Tax Return. If you are a dependent, please also submit a signed copy of your parent's NYS tax return.
  3. Your campus Financial Aid Office will notify you about your eligibility.
  4. APTS awards will be disbursed to your college account upon receipt.
  5. Note that your APTS award may be reduced for each course from which you withdraw.

State Grants (PTS)

The New York State Part-time Scholarship is available to students who are enrolled for at least 6 but less than 12 credits. 

  1. Complete the FAFSA application as described above.
  2. Complete the NYS Part-time Scholarship Application with Higher Education Services Corporation (HESC).  Refer to the 'How to Apply' section of HESC's Part-time Scholarship page for additional information.
  3. PTS awards will be disbursed to your college account upon receipt.