Library Services
Browse the list of library services below.

Borrow Library Materials
From books to virtual reality goggles, the libraries offer SUNY Suffolk students and faculty access to a large collection of academic materials in a variety of formats. Learn more about loan times and borrowing privileges.

Request a Study Room
Did you know that students can reserve a study room for up to 2 hours?
The next time you are working on a group project, stop by the circulation desk to request a study room. Study rooms requests are on a first come, first served basis.
Study rooms are also available for students who need technology or space to take a Proctorio exam.

Borrow Material from other Libraries
SCCC students, staff, and faculty can borrow material from through our OneSearch interface. Once logged into OneSearch, click the search icon on the upper left hand part of the screen. If you find materials that are not available in our library, click on the request button. User can also borrow materials by going to other SUNY libraries as part of the SUNY Open Access policy for libraries.

Accessibility Resources
The Libraries at SUNY Suffolk are committed to providing resources that are accessible to all of our students, faculty, and staff.

Need help? Ask a Reference Librarian!
Need help finding articles or citing a source? Ask a librarian by visiting a librarian at one of our campus reference desks, calling, texting, or chatting online with a librarian. Please fill out this form if you are having trouble accessing library databases.
Online and in-person reference assistance is available during every hour the library is open. When the library is closed, try our Research FAQs or leave a message to ask a librarian a question.