Classes will be offered in five formats:
Traditional on campus
(Face-to-face) - meeting at a specific time on campus according to a set schedule.
This class will meet in-person on Tuesdays (T) and Thursdays (R) from 9:30-10:45 am
on the Ammerman Campus in Selden.
Partly on campus and partly Online or Real-Time Online. These will usually meet once a week in-person and have additional online work.
This class will meet in-person on Wednesdays (W) from 6:00-7:15 pm on Michael J. Grant
Campus in Brentwood.
Instruction is provided by the professor through Brightspace,the college’s online learning management system. Students interact with faculty andcomplete assignments working on their own time, while adhering to course deadlines.
Days are not highlighted and no time is listed because there will never be a set time
when you are required to log in. You will sign on throughout the week and complete
your assignments by the deadline.
Real-Time Online
Recreates a classroom experience with your instructor and other classmembers coming together for live virtual instruction on regularly scheduled days andtimes (similar to having class via Zoom).
This class will meet online in real-time (RLTIME ONL) Mondays (M) and Wednesdays (W)
from 4:00 - 5:40 pm.
Combined Online
50% Online and 50% Real-Time Online meeting times with yourinstructor.
This class is combined online (COMBINEONL). It will meet online in real-time on Tuesdays
(T) from 11:00 am - 12:15 pm. Additional online work will be assigned weekly.