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The Office of Disability Services supports the mission, academic programs and the advancement of Suffolk County Community College by ensuring that qualified individuals with disabilities are afforded an equal opportunity to participate in the programs, services and activities at Suffolk County Community College through the identification and enactment of reasonable accommodations to institutional policies and procedures, the provision of effective auxiliary aides and services and other support services while cultivating a campus culture that is sensitive and responsive to the needs of students. (2014)

Goals and Outcomes

Learning Goal: Students will employ information literacy to effectively utilize and obtain required resources.

Learning Outcome:
Students will effectively negotiate college programs and processes.

Learning Goal: Provide support and services that assist students in developing their goals.

Learning Outcome:
Students will effectively negotiate college resources that align with their goal(s).

Support Goal: To provide efficient and effective support and services to internal and external constituents.

Support Outcomes
The Division will increase interoffice communication.
The Division will provide timely delivery of information.
The Division will provide accuracy in their information.
The Division will analyze work flow to improve service delivery.

2013-2014 Assessment Plan 
2014-2015 Assessment Plan 
2015-2016 Assessment Plan
2016-2017 Assessment Plan
2016-2017 Assessment Plan 
2017-2018 Assessment Plan Outreach 
2017-2018 Assessment Plan Onsite Workshops 
2017-2018 Assessment Plan Space Conflicts

2018-2019 Assessment Plan Professional Development Outreach